- @代表物件
[@”Hello world”] => 方括弧是存取物件裡的方法
例:NSString * str =@"World"; str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello"]; NSLog(@"str is: %@",str);
- Class:類別
(a) 名字(Name)
(b) 屬性(State):field, attribute, member, 屬性, 狀態, 成員
(c) 行為(Behavior):method, action, member function
PS: 若在#import <Foundation/Fundation.h>下面加上@Class Car;,代表把Car當作class,在.m檔才import。 - self(存取自己),只能用在implementation的『{』至『@end』之間。
- variable宣告:
NSString * name = [[NSString alloc] init];
- 宣告時,前方的+或-代表是否要透過init alloc來回傳物件。
+號是不用透過init alloc傳回物件 - 要公開(public)的放在.h,不公開的放在.m
- NSStrung * name = [[NSString alloc] init];
等同於 NSString * name = [NSString new];
=>配置記憶體與初始化是產生物件後的第一個動作 - Obj C可以使用id去動態新增method,所有obj c的語言都會被編譯成c語言。
Message Syntax
- 『物件.xxx』所存取的不是屬性,而是方法。是存取物件裡面的getter和setter。
label.text = @"Description"; //等於 [label setText:@"Description"]; NSString *str = label.text; //等於 NSString*str = [label text];
- 自動產生getter和setter
@property int age; //會自動幫我們產生getter和setter @property (strong) NSString * name; //如果是物件,前面要加strong或weak
- 如果interface和implementation在同個檔案,在interface裡用@property,在implementation裡需加上@synthesize
@synthesize age;//自動產生的變數名稱會是_age
- 動態型別 – id:任何繼承NS Object的物件型別,宣告方式如下
id someObject; //不用加*號 ( <s>id * someObj</s> )
當不知道是誰接收時,就會用id去宣告 - 空指標nil,物件型別的空值,等同於NULL。
若將nil丟給方法則會像石沉大海一樣什麼都不發生也不會有error。=>經指正會產生空值error - Obj C的BOOL是傳YES(true)及NO(false)。
- 要判斷現在的class裡是否有某個函數要用Selector,回傳的型別是SEL。使用範例如下
-(void)methodWithNoArguments; SEL noArgumentSelector = @selector(methodWithNoArguments); -(void)methodWithOneArgument:(id)argument; SEL oneArgumentSelector = @selector(methodWithOneArgument:); // notice the colon here -(void)methodWIthTwoArguments:(id)argumentOne and:(id)argumentTwo; SEL twoArgumentSelector = @selector(methodWithTwoArguments:and:); // notice the argument names are omitted
Selectors are generally passed to delegate methods and to callbacks to specify which method should be called on a specific object during a callback. For instance, when you create a timer, the callback method is specifically defined as:
So when you schedule the timer you would use @selector to specify which method on your object will actually be responsible for the callback:
@implementation MyObject -(void)myTimerCallback:(NSTimer*)timer { // do some computations if( timerShouldEnd ) { [timer invalidate]; } } @end // ... int main(int argc, const char **argv) { // do setup stuff MyObject* obj = [[MyObject alloc] init]; SEL mySelector = @selector(myTimerCallback:); [NSTimer scheduleTimerWithTimeInterval:30.0 target:obj selector:mySelector userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; // do some tear-down return 0; }
In this case you are specifying that the object obj be messaged with myTimerCallback every 30 seconds.
假如一個function在該做的事完成後要執行selector callback,可以類似下面這樣寫-(void) someMethod:(id)handler selector:(SEL)selector { // some codes here... // execute callback function if( handler != nil && selector != nil && [handler respondsToSelector:selector] ) { [handler performSelector:selector]; } }
- 判斷class是否有該函數使用
if([obj respondsToSelector:action]) { ... }