

VS Code的AI開發助手

官方網址: https://codeium.com/windsurf

使用手冊: https://docs.codeium.com/getstarted/overview

大力推荐文(別人的): https://codelove.tw/@tony/post/xNgR53

Codeium 是一款免費的人工智慧編程助手,支援多種程式語言(如 Python、JavaScript、TypeScript、Java、Go 等),並提供程式碼補全、聊天互動及智能搜索等功能。

Codeium 的主要功能

1. 程式碼補全與重構

利用其深度的上下文感知功能,Windsurf 能夠掃描整個程式碼庫,識別所有相關的程式碼片段。
開發者只需在 Cascade 模式中輸入指令,例如「將所有函式名稱改為駝峰式命名」,Windsurf 即可自動完成多個檔案的修改,並確保程式碼的一致性。
同時,Windsurf 提供即時的重構建議,協助優化程式碼結構並提升可讀性。

2. 自動生成測試案例

開發者在 Cascade 中輸入指令,例如「為 calculate_interest 函式生成單元測試,涵蓋所有邊界條件」。
Windsurf 會自動產生多個測試案例,並根據函式的邏輯自動檢查可能的異常情況。
測試案例生成後,開發者還可以進一步要求 Windsurf 優化測試邏輯,或新增更多測試場景,以確保應用的穩定性與可靠性。

3. 跨文件的依賴分析與優化

Windsurf 能夠自動掃描專案中的 package.json 或其他依賴檔案,生成模組之間的依賴圖,幫助開發者清楚掌握各模組的關聯性。
開發者可以要求 Windsurf 提供優化建議,例如「減少模組 A 和模組 B 之間的耦合」,Windsurf 會自動分析並建議重構方案,以降低系統的相依性並提升可擴充性。
此外,Windsurf 也支援自動更新依賴版本,確保專案始終使用最新的穩定版本,降低潛在的安全風險與相容性問題。

4. 自然語言生成程式碼

開發者在 Cascade 中輸入指令,例如:「建立一個使用 React 的網頁應用,包含用戶註冊和登入功能」。
Windsurf 隨即自動生成專案結構、前端介面程式碼以及後端 API,並內建基本的安全性驗證機制(如密碼加密與登入令牌處理)。
此外,在夜間啟用自動優化功能後,Windsurf 進一步改進資料庫查詢效能,優化 API 響應速度,並額外添加密碼強度檢測機制,以提升應用的安全性與使用者體驗。

5. 即時錯誤修復與優化


  • 程式碼中選擇需要重構的部分,然後在聊天界面中輸入需求,例如「請重構這段程式碼」。
  • Codeium 會提供優化建議,並解釋修改原因。

Codeium 的優勢

  • 免費使用:Codeium 對個人用戶完全免費,且無使用次數限制。
  • 多語言支持:支援超過 70 種程式語言,包括 Python、JavaScript、TypeScript、Java、Go 等。
  • 高效開發:通過程式碼補全、聊天和搜索功能,顯著提升開發效率。


1. 提供清晰的上下文

Codeium 的程式碼補全功能依賴於上下文感知,因此提供清晰且完整的上下文是提升準確性的關鍵:

  • 打開相關文件:Codeium 的上下文引擎會分析當前打開的文件以及專案中的其他文件,確保建議與整體程式碼邏輯一致。
  • 使用註解描述需求:在程式碼中添加清晰的註解,例如「# 寫一個計算斐波那契數列的函數」,Codeium 會根據註解生成相應的程式碼
  • 保持程式碼整潔:清晰的變數命名、結構化的程式碼和有意義的註解能幫助 Codeium 更準確地理解上下文。

2. 善用提示工程(Prompt Engineering)

提示工程是與 AI 工具互動的核心,以下是一些實用技巧:

  • 具體化需求:在提示中明確描述需求,例如「為函數 calculate_sum 寫一個單元測試,涵蓋所有邊界條件」。
  • 分步操作:對於複雜任務,將需求拆解為多個簡單步驟,逐步向 Codeium 提出請求。例如,先生成函數框架,再補充細節。
  • 使用 Codeium Chat:如果補全結果不符合預期,可以通過內建的聊天功能進一步詢問或要求修改。

3. 使用插件的高級功能

Codeium 提供多種功能來提升補全準確性,熟悉並善用這些功能可以顯著改善體驗:

  • 多選建議:按下快捷鍵(如 Alt + ]Alt + [)切換不同的補全建議,選擇最符合需求的版本。
  • 上下文固定(Context Pinning):在需要時固定特定的上下文,確保 Codeium 將其作為補全的參考。
  • 自定義上下文:對於專案中特定的 API 或內部庫,可以手動提供相關文檔或示例程式碼,幫助 Codeium 更好地理解。

4. 定期更新與設置優化


  • 更新插件:Codeium 團隊會定期優化模型和功能,確保使用最新版本以獲得最佳性能。
  • 調整補全觸發條件:如果覺得補全建議出現過早或過晚,可以在設置中調整觸發條件。
  • 啟用語言伺服器:確保語言伺服器正常運行,這是 Codeium 提供高質量建議的基礎。

5. 適應專案需求的最佳實踐


  • 多語言支持:Codeium 支援超過 70 種程式語言,確保在專案中選擇正確的語言模式。
  • 程式碼風格一致性:Codeium 會嘗試匹配專案的程式碼風格,開發者應保持專案內部的命名規範和格式一致。
  • 小型專案與大型專案的區別:對於小型專案,Codeium 的單文件補全效果最佳;而在大型專案中,應充分利用其多文件上下文感知功能。








任務目標為生成一份【A11y 基礎入門講座內容】的投影片內容

A11y 基礎入門講座內容: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TFuJXlBw4s_d70qTeoTOAuy-umeJB68ZkvF2v3SoOYM/edit?tab=t.0



工具名稱:超级PPT生成(Super PPT)

網址: https://chatgpt.com/g/g-RfusSJbgM-chao-ji-pptsheng-cheng-super-ppt

此工具的主要功能包括:生成清晰、邏輯嚴謹的 PPT 大綱以及具體內容,可以根據用戶提供的主題,產生結構化的大綱,為簡報奠定基礎。











按下【魔法切換開關】 > 【轉換為簡報】,即可將文件的內容轉換為投影片











ChatGPT 和 MindShow 的結合,能以最少的時間和技術背景製作出專業且富有創意的簡報。ChatGPT 提供強大的文案生成功能,幫助快速整理內容結構,而 MindShow 則將這些內容轉化為視覺化的投影片,提升簡報的互動性與吸引力。


生成式AI 職場應用全揭秘 – 開啟你職涯的無限可能


《AI Frontiers Webinar》https://www.aiatw.org/post/ai-frontiers-webinar-20241124



想要成為職場贏家嗎?生成式AI 就是你的秘密武器。






AIGC 文字/圖片生成


1. ChatGPT_Bing_Bard_Claude指南

投影片: https://www.slideshare.net/……/1chatgptbi……/265753441

課程錄影: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjNXpRn3G0s

2. 透過模板指令掌握使用技巧

投影片: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/2pdf-116d/265753345

課程錄影: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33MNZA44Tw

3. 圖像生成及應用

投影片: https://www.slideshare.net/ssuser834f031/3pdf

課程錄影: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcrJpJgavMA

4. AIGC的延伸應用介紹

投影片: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/4aigcpdf/265924625

課程錄影: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wQ6JTFu0Fs


The TechGiCS Forum

Experience Sharing

This morning, I attended a rare technology forum where all the speakers were women. Some were founders, and some were executives of internationally renowned companies, all of them outstanding and talented women. These women also have families and children and face struggles in balancing work and family life. Therefore, today’s speakers were different from the male-dominated technology forums, as they did not focus on the latest or most popular technology. They all emphasized that we should know ourselves, what we like, and what we want. They also mentioned the unique characteristics of women, who tend to feel that they are not good enough, not prepared enough, or not qualified enough.

What impressed me the most was during the final interview session, when a journalist from BUSINESS NEXT asked these women if they had planned to become outstanding women in the workplace from an early age. To our surprise, all the women answered that they did not have such a plan. They only took each step seriously and thoroughly understood themselves. 

As a woman who grew up under traditional thinking, but unexpectedly became the “Husband as homemaker, wife as breadwinner” family model because of my child, I understand why it’s important for women to first understand their passions. Being a career woman is often not supported by societal norms, and it’s only by finding happiness in our work that we can find the energy to persevere through the challenges of such a career.

Therefore, like Eunjoo Kim, a speaker who works at Google, who said that she did not intend to work in the United States originally. She only followed his husband, who needed to switch jobs. What she did was only to understand herself at every step, walk towards the direction she liked, work hard with passion, and then achieve her current success.

For me, my family role transformation was also a result of discovering that my child has special needs, which forced me to switch roles. Along the way, I deeply felt the impact of traditional thinking on our subconscious, which can greatly influence us. We may be pursuing a role that we don’t actually want to become, and sacrifice our careers. Or perhaps because we can’t find a good partner, even though we are in the workplace, our self-evaluation is low.

When we are not clear about what we are and what we want, We will feel like a candle burning at both ends, such as taking care of children, working outside, considering our husband’s feelings, and keeping ourselves beautiful. We can never do enough, and we cannot maintain a 25-year-old appearance and figure like celebrities, earn the same amount of money as our husbands and be economically independent, be a good mother, and also be a wise and virtuous wife.

It is precisely because women have too many choices now that we cannot have them all. We must recognize ourselves, what we are suitable for, what we want, what we can do, and what we like. Finding our own position is a prerequisite for being an outstanding woman.

Event Screenshot

CEO and Co-Founder at Women Who Code – Alaina Percival

Interview session by BUSINESS NEXT


2022 Taipei Women in Tech Honorees

得獎連結(Award link)

2022 Taipei Women in Tech Honorees

得獎過程(Award process)

我在2021年由於主持了幾場Women Who Code的活動,並成為主講者分享了幾個技術活動,受Women Who Code的邀請成為了WWC Taipei的核心志工成員。





In 2021, I became a core volunteer member of WWC Taipei after hosting several Women Who Code events and sharing some technical talks as a speaker. Because of my active participation and performance in the community, they recommended me for the selection of the Women in Tech Honor Roll. In fact, I didn’t feel anything special during the selection process, but I deeply felt the significance of the event during the celebration. There were many other excellent women present, and unlike the male-dominated tech community, women in tech place more emphasis on each other as individuals, their interests, and their ideas, rather than on who has the most technical skills or knowledge of the latest technologies. This is why I fell in love with the female tech community like WWC for the first time.

As a woman who has been an engineer for over 15 years, the difficulty of women in the tech industry is not really about concrete discrimination, but rather that “you are different from most people.” Because men and women have different perspectives, ways of looking at and thinking about things, and different priorities for important matters. Therefore, the real career dilemma for women does not come from stereotypes, but from the fact that I am different from most of my colleagues (because I am a pure R&D engineer, and most of my colleagues are men).

This can affect women’s ability to have good personal relationships with colleagues, make it harder to feel like they have a comrade-in-arms while working together, and also impact private information exchange. In addition, men and women may have different points of interest and priorities, and I am not particularly skilled at constantly discussing technical topics or expressing my superiority in technical expertise. However, in reality, the technical difficulty of the projects I work on is no less than that of male developers, and in some areas of complex programming thought, I outperform many male colleagues (at least those around me, not representative of all situations).

So I am really happy to be part of this all-female tech community. I feel like I have found like-minded individuals, and I have also discovered that many women experience imposter syndrome. We just don’t know our strengths well enough, and it’s not because we are not good enough, but because everyone here is so brave and excellent.

得獎頁面截圖(Screenshot of the award page)

My experience in software development is highly related to the fields of graphics, animation, and gaming. I have over ten years of experience in developing Flash games and have since transitioned to developing HTML5 web games. In the last three years, I have also crossed over into real-time streaming, graphics recognition, and other related fields. These areas of software development often involve complex performance and computational logic, and I believe this is my biggest strength in software development.

I am also very familiar with operating Windows and Linux servers, as well as communication protocols such as WebSockets. This enables me to take a more comprehensive approach in software development. Because my understanding of products extends beyond programming languages, I can understand or solve problems encountered in applications from various aspects such as operating systems, networks, hardware devices, etc. This has become the main reason why I can develop high-quality products.

得獎慶祝活動(Award celebration event)


Interview with Senior Frontend Female Engineer Claire

Link to the original interview

“Women in Tech Series #1” Interview with Senior Frontend Female Engineer Claire: Improving skills and gaining team recognition to have an impact

Interview Experience

I’m honored to share my work journey as a female engineer. The interviewer and author is a female student in her final year studying Management Information Systems at National Taiwan University. She noticed that although men and women now have equal access to education, there is still a gender disparity in labor participation and average wages. This inspired her to write this interview.

During the interview, I could feel that she was a thoughtful, serious, high self-demanding, and gentle woman. She listened carefully to my expressions and asked further questions to understand more. When I saw the interview article, I was surprised by how well she understood and systematized what I wanted to say. She is truly an excellent young woman! I hope that there will be more excellent female information workers, and that more women can shine in the workplace!

Interview Content

I’m Joan Chen, and this article is the first in the “Miss Tech” Women in Tech series of interviews. “Miss Tech” is a social feedback project initiated by me to encourage more female students to enter the information technology industry through interviewing female tech professionals and hosting women’s exchange events.

This is the first interview, and I nervously and excitedly turned on the video camera and waited for Claire to join us. Soon, I saw a familiar face with a friendly smile greeting us.

Claire Chang is a frontend engineer with more than ten years of experience. She loved playing games since childhood and dreamed of entering the gaming industry to write interesting programs. Due to her curiosity about games, Claire started using Flash, a web development software, in junior high school, and even in her university graduation project, she was responsible for frontend design and development.

In addition to being an engineer, Claire is also a mother of two, juggling multiple roles as a mother, wife, daughter-in-law, and engineer, and is often busy balancing family and work.

How to balance life and work? Claire: “It’s just different choices.”

I asked her if there was a particularly difficult time at work. She replied: “I think the most difficult time was when my first child was born. All prenatal examinations were normal, but problems were found after birth.”

Due to her first child’s special needs, one parent needs to focus on taking care of the child. After coordinating with her husband, they decided that the father would take care of the child, and the mother would mainly focus on work. When it comes to how female engineers balance life and work, Claire wisely responded: “It’s just different choices.” In the limited time and energy, some mothers choose to educate their children at home, some choose to have only one child, and some choose to hire a nanny to take care of their children.

There is no such thing as the correct way of life, only the choice that suits oneself.

The benefits of female engineers in the workplace: reducing ineffective overtime and forcing new technology

Claire believes that female engineers can also play a good role in the engineering field and are essential. When she first joined the company, except for the product testing team, she was the only female engineer. But as more and more research on workplace diversity emerged and society gradually paid attention to the problems caused by the lack of diversity, the company also became more aware of the need to balance the gender gap.

She found that since the increase of female engineers in the company, there has been a significant improvement in “ineffective overtime.” Based on her observations, she found that most female engineers are not fond of working overtime, so one of the reasons why ineffective overtime may decrease is that other male colleagues gradually realize that it is possible to have good project output without working overly hard. Additionally, she has noticed that in the past, engineers would often “force new technology” onto unsuitable projects, but since the increase of female engineers, this situation has become increasingly rare.

Claire emphasizes that it is not because of female leadership that these changes have occurred, but rather that the addition of female engineers has brought different voices to the workplace. Perhaps these voices are not necessarily correct, but they can provide the team with different directions for thinking and discussing, leading to the development of a diverse culture. In fact, not only gender, but diverse professional fields and cultural backgrounds can also positively influence the work environment and output.

Increasing the proportion of female engineers may be the first step, but it is not enough to achieve a diverse and harmonious work environment. Claire shares that if female engineers want their voices to be heard and adopted by everyone, they must first gain recognition from their colleagues for their abilities. “Improving oneself and gaining recognition from the team” is an indispensable prerequisite. With recognition and value, it is easier to have an impact. Claire said, “When my suggestions are slowly accepted and seen, and I also see the success of the project, I feel a great sense of achievement.”

How to Build Good Relationships in a Workplace with a Large Gender Imbalance

Although the gender gap is significant in the workplace, and from college to the workplace, the majority of Claire’s classmates and colleagues were male, she still feels that she is out of place. Especially after work, not going to play sports or drink (with women) with male colleagues reduces opportunities to build relationships with colleagues and obtain information.

Despite this, Claire, with her extensive work experience, has found a good way to deal with it: “I choose to do my job well and improve my abilities, at least making them respect you.” At the same time, she also shared a small secret: “Try to help them as much as possible, such as helping them solve problems, at least this way they will want to have a good relationship with you.”

Conclusion: Participate in external activities to increase confidence.

Finally, Claire encourages young girls who are interested in information technology not to be afraid to participate in hackathons or technology discussion communities. She shared that when she participated in a hackathon, she received praise from the organizers, which greatly increased her confidence: “I thought I did a bad job, but everyone thought it was great, so I wondered if I really did a good job (laughs).” She encourages everyone to participate in external activities and communities, whether it’s a hackathon or a technology discussion group, because the people you meet at these events have no vested interests with you, not only do you feel comfortable interacting with them, but you are also more willing to encourage each other.

I am honored to have the opportunity to interview Claire today and have a glimpse into the lives of female engineers today, as a student with a dream of becoming an engineer. What kind of harvest does her life experience bring to you? Feel free to leave a message and share with everyone!

Note: A hackathon is a combination of “hack” and “marathon” and usually refers to a group of programmers who spend about two days brainstorming innovative ideas and programming prototypes.