public class TextBlock_lineRotationExample extends Sprite {
public function TextBlock_lineRotationExample():void {
var s:String = “一向批判電影不會「口下留情」的大陸媒體,竟在李安導演《少年PI的奇幻漂流》內地上映後,於中國最大入口網站搜狐,罕見大讚道:『影片美輪美奐的視覺奇觀,身臨其境的3D效果。』”;
var fontDescription:FontDescription = new FontDescription(“MS Mincho”);
var format:ElementFormat = new ElementFormat();
format.fontSize = 15;
format.fontDescription = fontDescription;
var textElement:TextElement = new TextElement(s, format);
var textBlock:TextBlock = new TextBlock();
textBlock.content = textElement;
textBlock.lineRotation = TextRotation.ROTATE_90;
var linePosition:Number = this.stage.stageWidth – 120;
var previousLine:TextLine = null;
* A simple extension of the Spark Panel component
* that enables dragging.
public class DraggablePanel extends Panel
// Constructor
public function DraggablePanel()
// Skin Parts
* The skin part that represents the title bar of the underlying Panel.
* NOTE: The default PanelSkin already has this, it’s just not defined as a skinPart in the Panel class.
* We want it so that we can capture dragging.
public var topGroup:Group;